Israeli Espionage Cannabis Seeds
Israeli Espionage Cannabis Seeds
Israel has a government-run Cannabis research program. One of the workers defected, moved to Hawaii, and provided us with 3 seeds directly from this government program. Only one seed grew to maturity…a male. In order to match the characteristics as best as we could, given that the Israeli strain was high CBD and low THC, we bred him to our old-school Puna Sativa, which we simply refer to as Old School (OS for short). The Old School was never a favorite due to its low THC content, and, come to find out later, higher than average (but still low, comparatively with the high-THC strains) CBD content. The result is this unique blend of Sativa with perhaps a hint of indica somewhere in the distant past.
Expect tall Sativa plants that produce relatively low THC levels (perhaps 10% to 12%), and CBD in the 2% range. Enjoy this as it is, or engage in selective breeding for the traits that you desire.
All information found in this section has reportedly been de-classified. However, as a disclaimer: “The facts and names have been changed to protect the innocent”.